"I have never believed I was destined to be President. I don't believe anyone is pre-destined to lead America. But I do believe we are born with responsibilities to the country that has protected our God-given rights, and the opportunities they afford us. I did not grow up with the expectation that my country owed me more than the rights owed every American. On the contrary, I owe my country every opportunity I have ever had. I owe her the meaning that service to America has given my life, and the sense that I am part of something greater than myself, part of a kinship of ideals that have always represented the last, best hope of mankind."
On the surface, it sounds fine enough: I am humble. America is great. I serve America.
But below the surface, it’s laced with creepiness and absurdities: We all owe America because God loves America. People who question America must not understand how lucky they are to be American. America is the only country that can save the human race.
Some would surely say that I am putting words in his mouth. But many would say that my interpretation is not only accurate, but also inspiring. I find this more terrifying than any speech ever could be. It’s not the candidate that scares me. It's the people and beliefs that he is trying to appeal to that scare me.
That, and this John McCain POW action figure:

Those dogtags aren't to scale.
yeah, and check out the creepy muppet looking thing in the bottom right corner.
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